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5 actionable web stories' data insights

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Web stories have been around for a while, also it’s relatively new to online marketing. And throughout that time, businesses have closely watched the impact of web stories and how they impact online stores.

With the craze of TikTok, web stories are no doubt the next big thing that store owners can use to attract consumers. In this article, let’s take a look at the 5 actionable web stories’ data insights to improve your online presence.

5 actionable web stories’ data insights

As you explore marketing, using data to evaluate the effectiveness of your tools is essential. With this data, it won’t take much knowledge to see what web stories can offer.

The average length of a web story is 12 seconds

People frequently ask how lengthy a video should be when deciding to include one in their web content. Currently, a web story's videos are 12 seconds long on average. Although there is no set length for essays, you should aim for it. Of course, if you have nothing to say in your videos, you shouldn't extend them. If you have vital information to give, you shouldn't shorten them either. However, the 12-second duration ought to give you a good idea of how long your video should be.

84% of shared stories have some forms of visual content

If others share your stories, that's a solid indication that they find them fascinating. Although likes and comments are also reliable indications, sharing is more illustrative. To be more specific, pressing the share button, selecting the platform to share on, and adding a comment to the story are all steps that must be taken by someone who wants to share a web story. This demands dedication (at least much more so than it would take to like or comment on a story).


84% of shared stories have some forms of visual content, not necessarily videos

Only 3% of all shared stories, according to statistics, are without any media (just text). 13 percent are brief videos. And 84% of those contain visual content in some way. While using visual elements in your narrative is typically a good idea, this statistic should also emphasize that videos aren't always the best option. Images, specifically, are far quicker to view and comprehend. People are much more likely to share them as a result.

A web story often has 15 slides

Per web story, people often use 15 slides. You can use both 1-page and 30-page web articles to spread your message. People don't like to spend a lot of time on a single story, therefore you might want to go lower on the number of slides.

You may want to create a longer story to make the best of your storytelling. But first, learn to pace your slides correctly and create a good flow.

People usually put 22 words into a web story

It's rarely easy to decide whether to utilize text in web articles. One the one hand, the text does provide a quick and simple method for clearly communicating a message to your audience. On the other hand, it does divert focus from the visual material, which often has a much greater impact. What do the statistics say about the use of text in web stories, then?

The average word count for web stories is 22, according to research. If the text is meant to highlight the visual material, it will often contain between 4 and 10 words, as can be seen upon closer examination. The text will include 20 to 30 words if it is more significant.Web stories allow you to tell fairly intricate stories, but you should try to avoid using large amounts of text.

The 3 best CTA for webstory

Web stories can be utilized as a stand-alone piece of content, although they are typically employed to increase website traffic. As a result, they require a CTA (Call To Action) button that will direct visitors to the concerned website. The web story's framing and pacing are crucial since they will influence the reader's decision to click through. The CTA you intend to use, as well, is crucial. 

The 3 best CTA that are commonly used for web stories are:

  • Read more

  • For more

  • Read the article

These can act as a way for the reader to access more detailed content on your store, so they are essential. If you are selling, you can also use CTA as “Buy now”, “Find out more”, or “See more”.

How to take actions with these web stories’ data insights

The material we have provided thus far is hardly sufficient for you to construct an entire web story. But ultimately, the purpose of statistics isn't to instruct you in how to write web stories. If it were, you could just build up an algorithm to generate online stories on demand. Instead, you must make use of the statistics at your disposal to direct your investment.

For your stories to be effective, you need to understand your brand and that you’re trying to achieve with this medium. Keep a tab on marketing trends and try to recognize what can yield the best results. Or try XO Story to create web stories for your store.

Read more: 4 ways to use web stories and create an engaging Shopify store

That’s all, we hope these insights will give you an idea of how to make stories more useful on your website. The industry can change quickly, and knowing the right data can help you stay on top of this effective medium.

  • XO Story

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